Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Visit to the Pool

Max is obsessed with swimming suits, for the longest time we had just one, we had to get more out of the 18 month box just so we had one for him to wear while the other was washing.
Some of Max's other favorite things include climbing and jumping and walking along this wall.
We have a sweet pool at our apartment, the kids are getting ready for a swim.
Lucy jumping over Daddy... what a diver!
Can you say "Drama Queen" or is it "Poser".
Lucy likes to take these little pomegranates and smoosh them all over the sidewalk.
The end of a nice swim


  1. oh i wish i had a pool to swim in :). and fingerpaints--i'm so impressed max can do them at his age. we struggle with making messes with crayon at our house! looks like you guys have been having fun.

  2. Lucy looks like she is following in Daddy's footsteps. Look out Dixie DART!

  3. Miya is the same way. LOL she's all DRAMA.

  4. now that it's starting to get warm I think we need to come over and go swimming sometime. I think this summer we will be living at your pool :)
