Born Sept. 27th 2011
6 lbs 12 oz
18 1/2 inches

Here Mae is with her 1st stuffed animal, Winston.
The kids got it for her from Build-A-Bear.

For now she has brown hair... which is a 1st with our kids.

Our little family of 6

These 3 are constantly wanting to be the one who holds Mae next.

Lucy is a natural with her.
She takes good care of Mae.
I think she might even be more comfortable
with holding babies than most adults are.

Ruby wants to pet and hold Mae all the time.
In fact she calls her, "My Baby".
If you disagree with her, she will stare you down till you are brought to your knees.
(so don't even bother)

Max is Mae's body guard.
He mainly protects her from getting too much love from Ruby.
Funny, because Ruby has no one to protect her from Max.

We are loving our little Miss Mae!!!